Study on compatibility of Trichoderma asperellum and fungicides for the development of environment friendly and cost-effective disease management strategies


  • S.S. Veena
  • Aneetta Baby
  • S. Karthikeyan


Chemical fungicides are regularly being used to combat plant pathogens successfully. The escalatingconcern over human health and environmental safety often put pressure on farmers to lessen the useof chemicals. One of the approaches to minimize the use of fungicides is to integrate it with biologicalcontrol agents (BCA). Trichoderma species are well known for their biological control activity againstmany plant pathogens. Application of Trichoderma is being endorsed for the management of diseasesof tropical tuber crops viz., collar rot of elephant foot yam, tuber rot of cassava, stem and root rot ofcassava, yam anthracnose and taro leaf blight. For an effective disease management, the activity of biocontrolagent should not be stalled by the usage of fungicides. Trichoderma asperellum has been studiedexpansively as a BCA with results reliant on the specificity of the isolate. Present study was conductedat ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram to study thesensitivity of T. asperellum isolate tovarious fungicides. Knowledge onthe compatibility of possiblebio agents with regularly used and newer agrochemicals is vital for refining/developingan efficientintegrated disease management programme. Effect of twelve fungicideson mycelial growth of Trichodermawas tested by adopting poison food technique. Fungicides were tested at different concentrationsranging from 3.125 ppm to 3200 ppm. The fungicides, Copper oxychloride 50%, Cymoxanil 8%+Mancozeb 64%, Mefenoxam 4%+ Mancozeb 64% and Cymoxanil 22.1% +Famoxadone 16.6% werecompatible with T. asperellumat their recommended concentration by not inhibiting the mycelial growth.WhereasCarbendazim 50%, Carbendazim 25% + Mancozeb 50%, Hexaconazole 5%, Difenoconazole25% and Metalaxyl–M 3.3%+ Chlorothalonil 33.1% inhibited the mycelial growth of bioagentindicating their incompatibility. A progressive increase in percent inhibition of radial growth in thefungus was observed as the concentrations of fungicides increased. The results obtained from thepresent study will help in revisiting integrated disease management strategies by combining bioagent,Trichoderma and fungicides for managing fungal diseases of tropical tuber crops.




How to Cite

S.S. Veena, Aneetta Baby, & S. Karthikeyan. (2024). Study on compatibility of Trichoderma asperellum and fungicides for the development of environment friendly and cost-effective disease management strategies. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 48(1 & 2), 35–40. Retrieved from