Climate resilient technologies for sustainable production of root and tuber crops


  • M. Nedunchezhiyan
  • Kalidas Pati
  • V.B.S. Chauhan
  • K.H. Gowda
  • R. Arutselvan
  • G. Suja
  • G. Byju


Root and tuber crops are mostly grown in uplands under rainfed conditions. Uncertain weather is themajor constraint in rainfed farming. Root and tuber crops are propagated vegetatively by using cuttubers/stems/vines. The cut surface loses moisture quickly and is subjected to drying and decaying.Being widely spaced long duration crops, weed menace at early stage and moisture stress at later stageaffect growth and development of tubers. Cowdung cap on cassava setts improved the sprouting andestablishes quickly under rainfed conditions. Storing sweet potato vine cuttings with intact leaves inbundles under shade for two days prior to planting in the main field improved sprouting and establishesquickly. Ridge height of 45 cm for sweet potato and broad bed and furrow system (20 cm height) forelephant foot yam resulted in higher yield. Mulching in yams, elephant foot yam and taro conserved soilmoisture, improved sprouting and establishment, suppressed weeds and increased soil fertility apartfrom increased tuber yield. Growing maize as intercrop in greater yam served as livestaking and addedorganic matter into the soil apart from higher yield and return. Green gram intercropping in elephantfoot yam increased income and improved soil fertility. Grain or vegetable crops intercropping in taroincreased biological efficiency of the cropping system. Drip irrigation and fertigation in greater yam,elephant foot yam and greater yam+maize intercropping system not only produced higher yield andincome but also saved water and nutrients. Thus, sustainable yield and income can be obtained byfollowing suitable climate resilient technologies.Keywords: Cowdung slurry sett treatment, Drip irrigation, Fertigation, Intercropping, Mulching




How to Cite

M. Nedunchezhiyan, Kalidas Pati, V.B.S. Chauhan, K.H. Gowda, R. Arutselvan, G. Suja, & G. Byju. (2024). Climate resilient technologies for sustainable production of root and tuber crops. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 49(1), 3–10. Retrieved from



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