Tuber crops based cropping system for western Himalayan region of India


  • Manpreet Kaur
  • Manish Kumar
  • Jyotika
  • Ravinder Singh


To study productivity, profitability, livelihood, and sustainability, the traditional maize-wheat system was compared with a cropping system, including tuber crops on a 1.0 ha area. The percent share of tuber crops and other horticultural crops was 35.84%. The major tuber crop in the studied system was elephant foot yam. The total elephant foot yam equivalent yield in the existing maize wheat system and cropping system involving tuber crops were 27.33 q ha-1 and 59.07 q ha-1, respectively. The gross returns were more than ten times higher in the studies system over the existing maizewheatsystem. Production efficiency of cropping system involving tuber crops was increased by two times over the maize-wheat system. The study model can be replicated over different locations by inclusions of site-specific agri-enterprises.Keywords : Cropping system, Tubers, Vegetable, Cereals, Diversification, Sustainability




How to Cite

Manpreet Kaur, Manish Kumar, Jyotika, & Ravinder Singh. (2024). Tuber crops based cropping system for western Himalayan region of India. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 49(2), 75–79. Retrieved from



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