Protected cultivation in tropical tuber crops – A review


  • J. Suresh Kumar
  • K. Sunilkumar


Protected cultivation is being promoted as an innovative solution to address challenges of increasing demand in food production to commensurate with the population increase, limited cultivable area and unfavorable growing conditions. The advantages of protected cultivation include efficient use of water and nutrients, higher yield per unit area, year-round and offseason production, reduction in pests and diseases, and assured produce quality. Specific to tuber crops, protected cultivation offers benefits such as in vivo rapid multiplication of virus-indexed planting material, increased production and productivity and business opportunities in production systems. Different techniques have been explored for protected cultivation of specific tuber crops. Hydroponics and aeroponics have been used for cassava and yams resulting in improved survival rates, multiplication rates and root/tuber development. Sandponics systems have been developed for sweet potato pre-basic seed production, leading to higher vine multiplication rates and storage root yields. Hydroponics studies also revealed the pivotal role of potassium fertilizers in tuber crops, especially sweet potato. Optimum potassium doses can help to promote storage root development while maintaining a balanced shoot growth. It also helps to improve the quality characteristics of sweet potatoes, and tolerate stress including environmental stresses such as drought, salinity and diseases. The prospects of protected cultivation in tuber crops include standardization of production technology, including biofortified varieties and the integration of different methods of seed production to meet the required quality of planting materials. Ongoing research and development efforts are expected to drive innovation in hydroponics and aeroponics, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in tuber crops. Keywords : Root and tuber crops, Protected cultivation, Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Soilless cultivation, Seed multiplication




How to Cite

J. Suresh Kumar, & K. Sunilkumar. (2024). Protected cultivation in tropical tuber crops – A review. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 49(2), 3–9. Retrieved from



Overview/Review Articles