Effect of Zeolites on Soil Quality, Plant Growth and Nutrient Uptake Efficiency in Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.)


  • Ramesh V. CTCRI, ICAR
  • James George Dr
  • Jissy S. Jyothi
  • Shibli S.M.A


Zeolites (sodium alumino silicates) are effective controlled nutrient release materials that are highly useful to improve soil nutrient use efficiency, plant uptake of nutrients especially NPK because of its twin benefits of high cation exchange and water retention properties. In this paper, we evaluated different types of synthetic zeolites applications viz. fly ash based near neutral agricultural grade (FAZ) and commercial (CZ) zeolites (zeolite 4A) in tropical laterite soils with respect to soil chemical properties, soil water content, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) as well as plant growth parameters and yield of sweet potato crop (variety ST-14) with an aim of understanding the effectiveness of zeolites on NPK uptake efficiency. A pot study was conducted in farm soils of CTCRI (acidic, sandy loam soils) using six treatments viz. FAZ applied at 1%   and 2%  levels (w/w, zeolite: soil) (denoted as F1 and F2), pH treated CZ at 1% level, potassium and zinc impregnated CZ (K-CZ and Zn-CZ) at 1%   and a control (with out zeolites) each replicated thrice in a completely randomized design. Study showed that 1% zeolite amended soils registered a better soil moisture increase over control to an extent of 20.9 % and tuber yield increase of 57% over control. Soils amended with both FAZ levels are well below the critical limits in terms of SAR. The uptake efficiency of FAZ amended at 1% (F1) rate was significantly superior in respect of N and P as compared to F2 and control. The study also suggested that FAZ at 1% will be beneficial for sweet potato crop.

Author Biography

Ramesh V., CTCRI, ICAR

Division of Crop ProductionSenior Scientist (soil science-soil physics, soil water conservation)


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How to Cite

V., R., Dr, J. G., Jyothi, J. S., & S.M.A, S. (2015). Effect of Zeolites on Soil Quality, Plant Growth and Nutrient Uptake Efficiency in Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 41(1), 25–31. Retrieved from https://ojs338.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/251



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