A Simple Protocol for Isolating Small RNA from Cassava (M anihot esculenta Crantz)


  • D C Deepthi CTCRI
  • T Makeshkumar


Small RNA isolation, LiCl, denaturing PAGE, cassava


Small RNAs of 20-30 nucleotide are involved in re gulatory processes at DNA or RNA levels in manyeukaryotic plant systems. Good and efficient protocols to isolate small RNAs are needed forcharacterization. A simple method for isolating small RNAs from virus infected plant species has beendeveloped. The method involves precipitation of low molecular weight RNA using NaCl, PEG 8000 andLiCl. The purity of isolated small RNA was confirmed by A260/280 and A260/230 ratio. The describedprotocol also resulted in isolation of sufficiently higher yield of small RNA from virus infected leafsamples of cassava. The current protocol can be completed in a day and is cost effective. With regardto cost, the per sample cost associated with commercially available kits were approximately 32 timesand for Trizol it is 5 times higher than that of current protocol.




How to Cite

Deepthi, D. C., & Makeshkumar, T. (2016). A Simple Protocol for Isolating Small RNA from Cassava (M anihot esculenta Crantz). JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 42(1), 53–56. Retrieved from https://ojs338.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/398

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