Enhancement of Cassava Productivity by Adopting Integrated Crop Management Practices in Tamil Nadu: A Case Study


  • M Malarkodi TNAU
  • M Ravi


Cassava, crop management, demonstration


Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) on integrated crop management practices including sett treatmentwith carbendazim 2 g litre-1, application of micronutrient mixture @ 12.5 kg ha-1; release ofAcerophaguspapayaeparasitoid @ 100 numbers ha-1and foliar spaying of 1% FeSO4and 0.5% ZnSO4on 60 and90 days after planting to manage papaya mealy bug and micronutrient deficiency in cassava wereconducted at 15 farm holdings (1 acre per farm) in Tiruchirappalli district, Tamil Nadu during 2011. Theresults revealed that the average storage root yield of 34.5 t ha-1was recorded in demonstration plotwhich was 20.7% greater than the check plot yield. On an average, 6.61 storage roots per plant wererecorded in demonstration plots whereas 5.46 storage roots per plant were recorded in check plot. Onan average, farmer earned an additional net income of Rs. 16,700/- by adopting the improvedtechnologies. The infestation of papaya mealybug was reduced by 72% compared to control due toparasitization ofAcerophaguspapayea.




How to Cite

Malarkodi, M., & Ravi, M. (2017). Enhancement of Cassava Productivity by Adopting Integrated Crop Management Practices in Tamil Nadu: A Case Study. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 42(2), 44–46. Retrieved from https://ojs338.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/414