Effect of Spacing and Size of Planting Material on Elephant Foot Yam Grown as Intercrop in Coconut Garden


  • P K Salam Saheed Gundadhoor College of Agriculture and Research Station
  • Beena Singh
  • D S Ram
  • R K Patel


Coconut, corm size, elephant foot yam, intercrop, spacing, yield.


Field experiment was conducted at AICRP on Palms at Shaheed Gundadhoor College of Agriculture andResearch Station, Kumhrawand, Jagdalpur (Bastar), IGKV, Raipur, Chhattisgarh to standardize the spacingand size of planting material of elephant foot yam grown as intercrop in coconut plantation. Among thefive different spacing (40 x 40 cm, 50 x 50 cm, 60 x 60 cm, 70 x 70 cm and 80 x 80 cm) and two cormsizes (300 and 500 g), the plants under closest spacing (40 x 40 cm) had maximum pseudostemlength but pseudostem girth and canopy were maximum in plants spacing (80 x 80 cm). Greater growthand yield were associated with 500 g size of planting material. From yield maximization point of view,40 x 40 cm spacing with 500 g planting material size was the best for elephant foot yam grown asintercrop under coconut garden. Greater nut yield/palm/year of 8.71 was observed from intercroppedblock as compared to nut yield of 5.58 from the monocrop.




How to Cite

Salam, P. K., Singh, B., Ram, D. S., & Patel, R. K. (2017). Effect of Spacing and Size of Planting Material on Elephant Foot Yam Grown as Intercrop in Coconut Garden. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 42(2), 62–65. Retrieved from https://ojs338.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/418