Effect of Growing Different Leafy Vegetables as Intercrop on the Yield of Summer Colocasia in Bastar Plateau of Chhattisgarh


  • Deo Shankar Shaheed Gundadhoor College of Agriculture and Research Station (IGKV)
  • A K Thakur
  • R R Kanwar
  • D P Singh


Colocasia, intercropping, leafy vegetables, total tuber yield, equivalent yield and B, C Ratio.


An investigation was conducted to study the effect of leafy vegetables as intercrop on the yield ofColocasia planted during the month of December under Bastar Plateau Agroclimatic Zone of Chhattisgarh.The experiment was conducted during Rabi-Summer seasons 2014-15 & 2015-16 at ShaheedGundadhoor College of Agriculture and Research Station (IGKV) Kumhrawand, Jagdalpur, Bastar (C.G.).The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with seven treatments. Thesix leafy vegetables tried as inter crops were T1: Colocasia + Red Amaranthus, T2: Colocasia + GreenAmaranthus, T3: Colocasia + Spinach, T4: Colocasia + Fenugreek, T5: Colocasia + Coriander, T6:Colocasia + Mustard and T7: Colocasia alone was planted as contrast. Colocasia variety: ChhattisgarhArvi-2 was used for the study. The maximum number of cormels per plant (17.84) was recorded in thetreatment Colocasia + Mustard, Corm and cormel weight per plant (0.399 kg), Colocasia (33.36 t. ha-1) and per ha was recorded when Colocasia was intercroped with Fenugreek in 1:1 ratio lowest durationof intercrops was for mustard (25.5 days). Maximum intercrop yield was recorded for mustard and thetotal system yield was for Colocasia+Fenugreek intercropping system. Fenugreek has given highestBenifit Cost Ratio (4.80) followed by spinach and red amaranthus taken in between rows of Colocasia.Intercropping Colocasia + Fenugreek, Colocasia+Spinach and Colocasia + Red Amaranthus in 1:1ratio may be recommended to farmers for commercial cultivation during Rabi-Summer.




How to Cite

Shankar, D., Thakur, A. K., Kanwar, R. R., & Singh, D. P. (2017). Effect of Growing Different Leafy Vegetables as Intercrop on the Yield of Summer Colocasia in Bastar Plateau of Chhattisgarh. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 42(2), 81–85. Retrieved from https://ojs338.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/421

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