Optimization of Media for Antimicrobial Activity of Enterobacter sp. Associated with Entomopathogenic Nematode Rhabditid sp.


  • B G Sangeetha CTCRI
  • C A Jayaprakas
  • J R Jithine
  • C Mohandas


Antimicrobial activity, entomopathogenic, Rhabditis ( Oscheius ), tryptic soya broth


An entomopathogenic bacterium isolated from the nematode,Rhabditis(Oscheius) sp. was found toproduce secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity. Media for the production of the bioactivemetabolites were standardized with tryptic soya broth (TSB) supplemented with six carbon sources viz.,glycerol, maltose, fructose, glucose, sucrose and lactose. Antimicrobial activity was found highest forculture filtrate solvent extract (CFSE) obtained from TSB plus glycerol combination. Among the differentcarbon sources tested, glycerol proved to be the best for antimicrobial activity and that was followed bymaltose, fructose and glucose. Media with lactose and sucrose combination had the least antimicrobialactivity. A high degree of variation in the level of antimicrobial activity against the test organism viz.,Fusarium oxysporumMTCC 284,Rhizoctonia solaniMTCC 4634,Penicillium expansumMTCC2006,Aspergillus flavusMTCC 183,Candida albicansMTCC 277 was observed. The present study revealedthat the source of carbon has a pivotal role in the production of antimicrobial activity.




How to Cite

Sangeetha, B. G., Jayaprakas, C. A., Jithine, J. R., & Mohandas, C. (2017). Optimization of Media for Antimicrobial Activity of Enterobacter sp. Associated with Entomopathogenic Nematode Rhabditid sp. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 42(2), 121–127. Retrieved from https://ojs338.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/427