Effect of Microwave Pre-treatment on Drying Kinetics and Quality Characteristics of Elephant Foot Yam


  • Fakir Mohan Sahu Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari , Gujarat


Blanching, Elephant Foot Yam, Microwave power, Oxalate content, Pre-treatment


Drying characteristics and quality of the Elephant Foot Yam slices processed with microwave pretreatment and convective drying were investigated. Elephant Foot Yam slices was blanched at 80 °C for 4 min in hot water and exposed to microwave treatment under different microwave power ranging from 300 W to 900 W and exposure time (1, 1.5 and 2 min) and then dried in convective dryer at 60 °C to study their effect on drying characteristics and quality. Drying time, average drying rate, and rehydration ratio were various factors studied. Increased in microwave power and exposure time increased drying rate and decreased the drying time. The whole drying took place in falling rate period only. Midilli et al. model was found to describe the drying behaviour of elephant foot yam most precisely (highest R2 = 0.9996; least RMSE = 0.0051). From storage study and sensory evaluation with quality in terms of protein, total sugar and oxalate content was found to be acceptable in all drying treatments. Based on oxalate content and drying characteristics, exposure of 900 W microwaves for 2 min followed by hot air drying at 60 °C was found to be most acceptable to achieve  best quality dehydrated elephant food yam slices.Keywords: Blanching, Elephant Foot Yam, Microwave power, Oxalate content, Pre-treatment

Author Biography

Fakir Mohan Sahu, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari , Gujarat

Centre of Excellence on Post Harvest TechnologyAssistant Professor (Agri. Process and Food Engineering)


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How to Cite

Sahu, F. M. (2017). Effect of Microwave Pre-treatment on Drying Kinetics and Quality Characteristics of Elephant Foot Yam. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 43(1), 95–103. Retrieved from https://ojs338.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/442



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