Problem Diagnosis and Research Priority Setting for Cassava in India


  • Anantharaman M. ICAR - Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram 695 017, Kerala, India
  • Sethuraman Sivakumar P. ICAR - Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram 695 017, Kerala, India
  • Srinivas T. ICAR - National Academy for Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad 500 030, Telangana, India
  • Ramanathan S. ICAR - Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram 695 017, Kerala, India


Cassava is the most widely cultivated root crop in tropics and continues to be a crop of food security. It is the major tropical tuber crop in India , cultivated in peninsular region and North eastern hill states. Once seen as the food security crop, is now becoming increasingly a multipurpose crop acting as a major raw materials for a range of industrial uses. Cassava area is declining in India and its role in food security and economic growth is diminishing gradually. However, its significance to small and marginal farmers and its growing industrial use could not be ignored and overlooked and maximum advantage of this crop need to be explored through strategic R & D efforts. The funds allocated for cassava R & D should be judiciously used to reap the maximum benefits to the farming community. Research priority setting and monitoring is an effective method to efficiently allot scarce resources. The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodology for setting research priorities for cassava and to delineate the prioritised areas of research. The study suggested to have participatory problem diagnosis, converting problems to researchable issues, using Principle Component analysis for grouping the issues and judges rating and economic assessment for priority setting. The major areas prioritised are development of Cassava Mosaic Disease resistant varieties and its management, lowering the cost of production of cassava, germplasm collection, maintenance, and evaluation of tropical tuber crops (cassava) etc.




How to Cite

M., A., P., S. S., T., S., & S., R. (2021). Problem Diagnosis and Research Priority Setting for Cassava in India. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 46(1). Retrieved from